Clear Skin for Back to School – And Acne Facials that Work

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Back to school time is looking a little different this year for many of us. Whether you are a college student preparing for online classes, a teen catching the school bus in a mask or a parent just trying to manage it all, this September we’re all experiencing a little more stress than usual. And extra stress can unfortunately lead to extra breakouts!

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Approximately 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 experience at least minor acne, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. And adult acne is on the rise as well.

Though experiencing acne may be normal for teens and adults, that doesn’t mean we like it. Going back to school can make teens especially conscious of breakouts. Luckily quality skin care products and treatments for acne from professionals like Skin Deep can help make a big difference in your complexion.


Factors Affecting Acne

The truth is, medically the cause of acne is unknown and has no real cure. However, there are several known factors that affect acne and skin health that can be managed.



Stress is the number one factor that affects acne. The body responds to stress by stimulating the adrenal glands, which release hormones that can cause acne flare ups. Practices like exercise, yoga, meditation, conscious breathing or spending time in nature are key to managing stress and helping to keep your complexion clear.



The link between acne and diet is not well understood. Some studies show an association between acne and high glycemic diets that include a lot of sugar, sodas, white bread, pasta and processed foods. There is also research linking dairy consumption and diet. So far, these studies only show an association and not a clear cause and effect relationship between diet and acne. However, it is agreed that drinking 6 to 8 glasses of high-quality water each day and eating a diet of whole foods and fresh fruits and vegetables is best for your overall skin and body health.


Skin Products and Make Up

It’s tempting to cover up breakouts with lots of product and make up, but many cosmetics contain fragrances, dyes and preservatives that are irritating to sensitive and acne-prone skin and should be avoided. Overusing very drying skin products can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Other products can cause skin irritation that can lead to breakouts. Soap powders, fabric softeners, shampoos, conditioners and hairsprays can all contain irritants that cause more acne.

Always rinse your laundry thoroughly, replace pillowcases frequently, and never use the same washcloth twice! Make sure you are regularly washing your face mask with a mild detergent as well.

If you have questions about what skin care products are right for you for managing acne, the professionals at Skin Deep can help with recommendations.


How We Can Help

At Skin Deep we are experts in skin care and all things acne. We offer facials, skin correction programs and product recommendations to help with treating and healing acne prone skin.

Our teen acne facial is perfect for teens suffering from sporadic breakouts to active acne. This deep cleansing facial includes a cleanse, deep exfoliation, extractions, and application of a balancing mask and skin-specific serums and SPF. Designed for teens between the ages of 12 and 19, this facial reduces breakouts and balances oil production.

For adults, we can tailor our custom facial specifically for acne. Each facial is uniquely customized to your personal needs and includes a combination of some or all of the following steps - a one-on-one consultation, skin analysis, deep cleanse, exfoliation, steam, extractions, personalized facial massage, specialty mask and an application of skin-specific serums, moisturizers, eye cream and SPF.


Contact Us

We offer facials, advanced treatments, and a full range of professional grade products that can help with any skin concern you may have, including acne.

Contact us by phone at 1-970-232-9793 to set up a consultation. You can also email us or contact us through our website for more information and product recommendations.